Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology are growing rapidly. More and more investors are talking about this landscape of technology, especially the younger generation. This is where the Cryptocurrency logo design might influence whether or not to trust the Cryptocurrency and invest. We share 5 Cool and Creative Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Logos.
We all know the importance of logos. It is something about how a brand is recognized among its audiences. It is critically important for the brands to connect with their audiences, and their logo becomes the first meeting point.
Before you can design a logo for your Cryptocurrency or Blockchain brand, it is important to know what your audiences think and want from you.
You can use that information to incorporate it into your logo. Now the question is where to find relevant information. Fortunately, we have an answer –Â Bitiq.
Table of Contents
Branding Of Cryptocurrencies?
If you go through some of the new Cryptocurrencies and their logos, you will find that the logos are poorly designed or created using some kind of logo maker software.
It is really surprising that the owners and investors don’t realize the visual consistency. Seeing how others are being negligent about the logos, we decided to share some logo ideas.
We strongly believe that a good logo design is good for business. And a good design is born of two things – Simplicity & Clarity.
Creative Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Logos
As a very new industry, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies can pose plenty of challenges for the logo designer. After all, a logo is all about representing the most complex form of industry in the simplest form.
When we are talking about logos and their design to represent your business best, there are different ways to do that.
Below, we have tried to cover a range of handpicked logo designs. Hopefully, you will find inspiration to create your next Cryptocurrency logo.
1. Pepperstone
This modern logo concept is heavily stylized around the letter P and a stone shape. Although this is new to the market, it perfectly showcases the curve lines. It proves curves and straight lines perfectly fit almost any logo symbol/Icon or Brandmark as a single element. it also complements the typography when displayed as a combination mark.
In fact, it takes you out of the stereotypical thinking that technological logos need to be symmetrical and have straight lines. We have already tried some designs and were stunned by how appealing technological logos look with curved lines.
2. Zeroes
Wordmark is a great option for financial and fintech logos. The reason is simple, it creates a professional and trustworthy brand image, which is critical to building trust.
In addition, the clear lettering with curved edges gives you a stylish monogram.
The design is not only limited to logos. You can even use this design to create business cards, stationery, and even social media posts with a simple modification.
3. Consol Freight
If a minimalist design is your thing and you want to give the same to your Cryptocurrency logo, Consol Freight’s design will definitely impress you. This monogram was created by a company to rebrand their business.
This logo design must focus on two different colors to keep things simple. Despite the lack of design, it certainly gives an impactful punch.
4. Vertobase
The pattern works the best if you are creating a technological logo. It easily defines what your business is all about. The design is versatile and can be used for designing business cards.
Vertobase is the prime example of graphically designed logos and proves that using the right graphics is always acceptable while creating technological logos.
5. Kyber Network
Kyber Network allows token swapping and enables vendors to use different types of Cryptocurrencies. The design studio behind this company has been simplified with its approach.
They used the initial logo and removed some elements to make it more minimalistic.
To get an idea of how they have done, compare their two logo designs. You will find that clean and simple always make the cut for good technological logos.
Wait…There’s More!
This is not the end of the list. We have listed only a few of the best. If you want to know more about the logo design and access new ideas, contact us.
We will be more than happy to help you out.
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*TIP – We use and recommend DesignCuts for all your fonts, mockups and design bundles.