Not all case studies are created equally. Most are pretty shit actually. For freelancers that aren’t professional writers, it can be quite daunting or difficult to see the benefits. Join us in this article as we discuss How to Write The Perfect Freelance Case Study
Author: Mitchell Bryson
How Much Does a Logo Cost
When it comes to setting up a business, ‘How much does it cost to design a logo’is one of the most asked questions. This is an important question to research because it will define the future of your business. Here is a list of questions to consider for logo design and the link between branding:
Do I need a logo?
If you are creating a brand, then yes. It’s essential to have a logo to build your brand identity and future. Having a professional logo can help you to stand out from competitors. The first thing that customers will associate with you will be your logo. So it’s important that you make an effort to create a distinctive brand.
Why advanced freelancers shouldn’t use Bidding websites (Like UpWork,, PeoplePerHour)
Freelance bidding websites attract a lot of freelance projects. They do this by encouraging competition and cheap prices. In this situation, nobody wins. The customer only gets what they paid for (not a lot). And the freelancer can’t grow their business beyond the platform. To win a bid, you must compete on price. To lower your price, you must perform a basic service or reduce your costs. This goes against an advanced freelancers way of thinking. If you focus on adding as much value to a customers business as possible, everybody wins.
How to handle these 6 types of freelance clients
There are so many client personalities it’s hard to generalise them into just a few. But here I’ve noted the most common types that I came across and how I handled it.
What is an advanced freelancer
Advanced freelancers are different to your typical freelancer in a few important ways. They are reliable when they take work on. They’re consistent in their approach. They do their particular service or craft as a full-time job and enjoy it. And they’re aspiring to create a reputation or brand to help grow their business in the future. But if you were to sum it up in one sentence; they reduce the risk for their customers.
What to do when you have no freelance work
It’s normal to want to fill your schedule with paid client work. But when you’re just working for clients you’ll lose a lot of what makes you a good freelancer. Things like trying out new technologies or tactics. Taking time to work on things that give you pleasure or are useful for other people, like open source or education. There are a few things I’d recommend you do with time between projects, in-case you haven’t thought of them already.