The question of how much does logo design cost has been debated by both clients and designers alike for decades. In recent history, the cost of popular brand logo designs has ranged from zero to millions. However, the more important issue everyone should be considering is the value logo design offers a business. It may be hard to agree on a universal monetary value for professional logo design. Yet, there are several benefits that make it a worthwhile investment. Logo design is not a commodity after all, despite what all those online logo makers are trying to do. Below are 4 benefits of professional logo design.
Author: The Logo Creative
Layouts For Lettering: Hierarchy, Composition, and Type Systems With Jon Contino
What a great class for you to checkout here: Layouts for Lettering With Jon Contino: Hierarchy, Composition, and Type Systems it’s quite intense and not you average skillshare course but you will defiantly learn a allot.
A Great Business Name Is Worth Its Weight In Gold
How do you wrap your mind around the return on investment, ROI, of a Naming Project? The exact value of a productive brand name is impossible to calculate. There are far too many variables involved to run any true and accurate A/B testing. Therefore, the logic behind investing in a great name for your company, brand, product, app, etc., has always been a bit nebulous. However, many marketers and entrepreneurs intuitively grasp the power of a great name based on the simple fact that your name is the most used aspect of your brand, and the cornerstone of your communication. At the end of the day, your business name is a priceless asset.
Helseutvalget Brand Identity Spotlight
Today Designer Spotlight: Helseutvalget Brand Identity Spotlight
The Health Committee has updated visual identity, website, and printed material, following a need to collect all of its offers under the same profile.
Designer Interview With Kay Dee
Today a Designer Interview with Kay Dee a full-time freelance graphic and web designer. She is the founder of KD Branding, a full-service graphic design studio in Austin, Texas. Kay Dee specialises in creative logos and websites for small to medium sized businesses that will capture consumer attention.
Logo Design Sketchbook, Documenting The Process
I get a lot of designers asking me – “is it important to sketch and draw logos in a sketchbook as I’m not very good at drawing?”. In this article we dig deep into the Logo Design Sketchbook, Documenting The Process
Logo Design Trends That Happened in 2018
The time is coming to start thinking about the trends of logos, colors, and branding in general for 2018. So, today we will share everything you need to know about this subject, as it is for us a tradition every year. In this article, we take a look at some Logo Design Trends That Happened in 2018.
Logo Design Sketching Equipment
A popular question I get asked on a weekly basis but other logo designers or people looking to become a logo designer is “What sketching equipment do you use?” I thought it would be a good resource to make a list and explanation of the equipment that I can refer people to.
When starting out as a logo designer, one of the most satisfying things is building yourself a great set of equipment. There is an old saying that goes “you are only as good as the tools you use” which can be very true.
How to Make a Quality Portfolio To Makes Clients Want To Hire You
In this article, we discuss How to Make a Quality Portfolio To Makes Clients Want To Hire You
In a creative industry, a freelancer would need a professional portfolio. It allows one to showcase design expertise and offer them an opportunity to develop a unique brand. Physical portfolios are a must have in a design world, but online design portfolios provide a new avenue for reaching people outside the professional circle.
Designer Interview With Jacob Boghosian
Today a Designer Interview With Jacob Boghosian who is the designer of the Netflix Stranger Things Logo a popular series on Netflix Jacob Boghosian is an art director and graphic/motion designer based in Los Angeles, California.