Reinforcing your business via email marketing has become an enormously effective method. Email marketing has been considered an ideal way of making your potential customers aware of your products/services. In this article we discuss Building Brand Awareness Using Email Marketing.
Author: The Logo Creative
Tips to Use Instagram as a Graphic Designer
As a graphic designer we are always looking for new ways to share our work creatively, self-promote our services and provide value and engage with fellow creatives and potential clients. In this article we share Tips to Use Instagram as a Graphic Designer. We also share advice from influencers – Christos Nikas, James Martin, Jacob Cass and Dain Walker.
7 Most Overlooked Aspects of UI and UX Design
User experience design is about pleasing your customers, including the people who come to your website, who can turn into leads based on how attractive your page looks. Let’s now jump in and look at the 7 Most Overlooked Aspects of UI and UX Design.
Top Watch Brands and Their Logo Designs
Watches have always been an indispensable accessory for both men and women. It has been a century old tradition to complete one’s attire with a contemporary watch. Earlier watches were merely an accessory to check the time but with the advancement of technology, the functionality of the watches has been redefined. In this article, we take a look at the Top Watch Brands and Their Logo Designs.
The Rules of Typography in Web Design
Typography is usually one of the unattended elements in web design. It can break or make a website and with the popularity of CSS and HTML, typography has become more important. In this article we discuss The Rules of Typography in Web Design.
Importance Of A Great Web Design To Match Your Logo
Good website design is an essential element in helping to create a reputable brand for your business. Every color, element, and section on your website is critical because they work together to create a lasting effect on your viewers and target audience. In this article we discuss the Importance Of A Great Web Design To Match Your Logo.
All You Need to Know About Visual Branding
Visual branding is all about creating a brand identity. A brand identity is composed of different visual elements. In this article we discuss All You Need to Know About Visual Branding.
Why is Data Privacy so Vital During Logo Design?
Protecting client data is vital no matter what industry you’re in, it’s especially important for designers as we hold so much data about businesses, we work with that we need to keep this information secure at all times. In this article we discuss Why is Data Privacy so Vital During Logo Design?
5 Secrets to a Successful Brand Launch
A seamlessly executed brand launch is one of the most critical elements of a successful business. Learn the secrets to a successful brand launch here. In this article we discuss 5 Secrets to a Successful Brand Launch
Importance Of Choosing The Right Web Hosting Service
In today’s business era where the internet plays a huge role in helping businesses stay in the competition and ultimately thrive, there is no denying the importance of a company website. In this article we discuss the Importance Of Choosing The Right Web Hosting Service.