Creating a logo is easy, but creating a good logo is not. There are myriad things to consider when you’re creating your brand’s logo, and it’s easy to get lost down a rabbit hole of design. In this article we take a look at 4 Things To Learn From Looking At Some Of The World’s Oldest Logos.
5 Things Every Start-Up Must Do To Establish A Unique Brand Voice
As markets continue to saturate amid increasing demand and rising competition, the importance of a brand voice cannot be ignored. When considered in the context of startups, having a unique brand voice is imperative for survival. In this article we are going to take a look at 5 Things Every Start-Up Must Do To Establish A Unique Brand Voice
Self-Publishing Vs Conventional Publishing – What to Choose
No matter how calm and collected about writing you are, it’s all pointless if you don’t publish the book the right way. Why is publishing so important, even more, important than the quality of the book nowadays? In this article, we take a look at Self-Publishing Vs Conventional Publishing – What to Choose
How Can Your Business Measure Brand Performance?
While it may seem like the least fun side of marketing, performance tracking, data analysis, and campaign optimization are crucial steps for a successful campaign. These give you useful information on your brand’s success in the market and let you know when you’re going in the wrong direction.
But, in order to track your brand’s performance in an effective manner, you need to know which metrics to follow and analyze. In fact, measuring too many metrics, of little relevance, is quite a common mistake, even for bigger brands. In this article we discuss How Can Your Business Measure Brand Performance?
Personal Branding: Things That Help Create a Strong Brand
You’ve been working on your business for a while now, and your brand still doesn’t get enough recognition from the public? Read on as in this article we discuss Personal Branding: Things That Help Create a Strong Brand.
Now Try Something Weirder by Michael Johnson
Now try something weirder – How to keep having great ideas and survive in the creative business by Michael Johnson of Johnson banks and published by Laurence King due for release on 20th May 2019 is jam-packed with essential advice for designers and creatives of all disciplines, written by a world-renowned designer.
“I took what I was convinced was the ‘perfect’ solution to my then creative director. ‘Nice’ he said. ‘Now’ try something weirder.” – Michael Johnson
It is Said that Graphic Designers Don’t Need a Professional Degree. Why?
Your parents, teachers, and family friends must have continuously lectured you on the importance of a professional degree. One bad grade would result in a lecture on how you will not get admission into a university, and how it will affect your chances of getting a professional degree. For them, a professional degree was the prerequisite of entering the professional workforce. So It is Said that Graphic Designers Don’t Need a Professional Degree. Why?
How to Create Successful Branded Content Campaigns
A lot of people wonder How to Create Successful Branded Content Campaigns, and we are going to take a look into it. Branded content is a powerful marketing instrument, which you can use to convey your brand message to your target audience. This type of content helps to turn customers into brand advocates and achieve long-term business goals.
If you want to learn more about How to Create Successful Branded Content Campaigns, read this article. It will help you to understand what branded content is all about and how to use it to benefit your company.
How Does Welcome Email Series Help with Building Brand Awareness?
We all know that welcome emails are essential. The very first interaction with new clients sets the tone for all the further communications. We need to win at this Stage as there may be no second chance to “talk” to new customers. Which is why we need to work thoroughly and use only the best welcome email templates for our welcome series. In this article we take a look at How Does Welcome Email Series Help with Building Brand Awareness?
How to Best Use Photographs in Brand Design
There is something undeniably powerful about well-captured photographs. They are able to win the attention and hearts of people in a way that illustrations can’t. This is why pictures can be an important aspect of your brand design. Of course, this does depend on the way you utilize them.