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Designer Interview With Richard Stewart

Designer Interview With Richie Stewart

Designer Interview With Richard Stewart

Richie Stewart is a graphic designer and letterer from Boston USA, he describes himself as a detail obsesser, and founded Commoner, Inc in 2011 with his wife Brook. As Richie explained as a kid he hated school and would constantly skip classes. He explains just like Ferris Bueller from the movie he was sick a lot from school and as Ferris Bueller quotes in the film “How can I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?” this quote became Richie’s Internal Monologue.

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Tips To Create Emotionally Satisfying UX Designs

Tips To Create Emotionally Satisfying UX Designs

What does it mean to create a design that satisfies a person on an emotional level? That is a pretty loaded question, yet fair enough for those that are aiming to improve on the quality of their project outputs. Some would say it is the aesthetic factor that reels people in. Others would counter that by saying the emotional effect is due more to the way the website works. The truth would be a mixture of both. Read on to find out some Tips To Create Emotionally Satisfying UX Designs.

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