For many companies, especially smaller organizations with tight budgets, a website is likely the most significant marketing investment that they will make. In this article we discuss the Signs That Show It’s Time For a Website Redesign.
7 WhatsApp Features You Probably Didn’t Know Existed
WhatsApp is an application that billions of people use every single day. The application has become a major way that we communicate with our family and friends. In this article we discuss 7 WhatsApp Features You Probably Didn’t Know Existed.
Virtual Agencies – The Future Of All Agencies?
The current pandemic has forced the entire world into lockdown. As people stay home to protect themselves against this dangerous virus, businesses and companies from all industries have had to rethink their business models to suit our new reality. In this article, we discuss Virtual Agencies – The Future Of All Agencies?
Selling On Amazon: Where Should I Begin?
Society has started to switch towards an online model of business, especially with the restrictions imposed by the sanctions. If you are a company looking to make the switch over to an online marketplace like Amazon, it can be extremely tough, especially if you do now know where to begin. In this article we discuss Selling On Amazon: Where Should I Begin?
Why Protecting Your Content from Pirates is More Important Than Ever
Putting in time, effort, and money into your content only to find it the very next day available for free is certainly heartbreaking. While piracy is not exactly a new problem, it has recently been on the rise due to technological advances. In this article we discuss Why Protecting Your Content from Pirates is More Important Than Ever.
Things To Consider When Designing Logos For Digital Agencies
All major businesses have one thing in common – an eye-catching logo. While it might appear as a simple design printed on the company’s products, it goes a long way as it’ll define the brand and tells customers what the business is all about. In this article we discuss Things To Consider When Designing Logos For Digital Agencies.
Which Psychological Laws Do You Need On Your Website
It is not easy to satisfy online users. With so many websites and online resources available for their queries, you have to do something different. And that’s why web design psychology has become more important for designers. The application of web design psychology is evidence of how enterprises care about their customers. In this article we discuss Which Psychological Laws Do You Need On Your Website.
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The Process Two by The Brand Identity
In this book review we take a look at The Process Two by The Brand Identity.
Branded Merchandise: How These Items Help Your Brand
Social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing often steal the conversation whenever branding is brought up. Physical marketing is not talked about as much, but its effectiveness is underrated. In this article we discuss Branded Merchandise: How These Items Help Your Brand.
Why Branding Is Crucial in Building Your Own Company
When it comes to your business, branding is an important marketing strategy where you use a logo, name, or design that can be effectively represented or be associated with your business. In this article we discuss Why Branding Is Crucial in Building Your Own Company.