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Design with visual ranking in mind

Design with visual ranking in mind

The design of the website of yours is vital, especially for conversion. Even though you can apply any tactic to boost your conversion it won’t be much of help if it doesn’t look good. We all know that humans are pretty much visual oriented.  For example, the information is transported to the brain and 90% of that is visual. Visuals are way faster than the text (60,000x faster) in the brain. In fact, among the learners, 60% of them are visual learners. Read on to discover all about Design with visual ranking in mind.

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8 Landing Page Mistakes That Could Be Harming Your Business

8 Landing Page Mistakes That Could Be Harming Your Business

Creating a winning landing page is a tricky task. There are a lot of traps awaiting while you are trying to optimize your page to sell. Even experts sometimes make mistakes that are hard to fix.

Marketers have been keeping an eye on landing pages to figure out what is it specifically that makes one page better or more attractive than the other. But while watching for that they have noticed a consistent line of mistakes that business owners make with their landing pages that inevitably harm their business.

Here are some of those mistakes.

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5 Great Ways To Use Brand Storytelling As A Cheap SMM Campaign

5 Great Ways To Use Brand Storytelling As A Cheap SMM Campaign

Social media marketing is often perceived as expensive, especially if you want it to be effective. Big brands splurge a huge amount of money on social media engagement with their customers because that’s where everyone is.

You have the highest chance of being seen if you are on social media.

However, this doesn’t work for everyone. Small companies don’t have large amounts of money to spend. They have to watch their budget carefully.

Some believe that the more they spend the more they will get back but that isn’t always true. You don’t want to risk your entire business on the premise that an hour social media marketing strategy will work.

But, if you do this smartly, without spending large sums, you might be able to get more out of it.

Your solution is brand storytelling. Read on for 5 Great Ways To Use Brand Storytelling As A Cheap SMM Campaign

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Know Your Onions - Graphic Design By Drew de Soto

Know Your Onions: Graphic Design By Drew de Soto

Know Your Onions by Drew de Soto is a very enlightening book offering a different view of the things you encounter every day as a designer.

Drew De Soto who is a print-focused designer has been a graphic designer for over 25 years, this book is a guide for working in the Graphic Design industry and first published by BIS Publishers in 2012.

As he says in his Introduction: “After a 25-year career in graphic design, I’ve picked up a few things and turned them into ‘custom settings’. Read this book and save yourself 25 years.”

Drew was kind enough to send us a copy of the book to review and we were looking forward to tucking into this one, Again I would like to thank Drew for sending us the book and answering our questions as part of this review. Let dive in and take a look at Know Your Onions: Graphic Design By Drew de Soto.

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Revamping Your Brand’s Content Strategy in 5 Steps

Revamping Your Brand’s Content Strategy in 5 Steps

A lot of content strategies aren’t really strategies at all. They’re just a collection of decisions that have been made over the years without an actual vision uniting them in a purpose. Even if your brand has a content strategy, chances are it’s due for a reboot. Things change quickly in the business world and it’s a good idea to reevaluate how effective your content strategy is. Here are five steps to revamping your brand’s content strategy.

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Simple Yet Effective Offline Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Simple Yet Effective Offline Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

There is no denying the fact how the internet has brought a disruptive change in the world. It has significantly improved the way people are communicating with each other – social media is a prime example of that. The Internet has given a new lease of life to businesses as well and how online marketing has immensely benefited them is just unprecedented. The rise of e-commerce is the telltale testimony of transformation in business.

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Top Search Ranks are Not The Only Measure of SEO Success as Business ROI is Also a Factor

Top Search Ranks are Not The Only Measure of SEO Success as Business ROI is Also a Factor

Business success depends on fast revenue generation, and the best way of doing it is to embrace SEO. Today, online marketing is the only way to give impetus to overall marketing activities linked to revenue generation. That is the reason why businesses of all sizes and shapes cutting across industry segments are implementing SEO.  Google has recognised the needs of businesses so well that it has devised local SEO for small companies that have made SEO accessible for even the most modest business set up. It has put to end the long-standing misconception that SEO is for big companies only.

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