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Run Studio Run by Eli Altman - Book Review

Run Studio Run by Eli Altman

Run Studio Run is a book that details how to manage and grow a small creative studio. The first edition was successfully funded on Kickstarter and is available for purchase through Extracurricular Press in May 2018.

Run Studio Run is a step-by-step guide that helps you look at your studio critically—as a business as opposed to an artistic endeavor. You will establish goals and paths and how to reach them. You will see that the more of your business you can commit to the process, the more you will free yourself up to do the work you really love.

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Content vs. Design – Which Should Come Firs.

Content vs. Design – Which Should Come First?

What’s more important content or design? This has been an ongoing debate in the design industry for years and is brought up by the majority of creative professionals when discussing new projects. It’s an equal discussion for both digital and print-based design, Join us in this article as we discuss Content vs. Design – Which Should Come First?

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How to pick your freelancing niche

How to Pick Your Freelancing Niche

A freelance niche refers to a small segment of the total market that buys freelance services. This can be defined as a “horizontal” segment, usually focused on a particular service, like “Logo Design”. And a “vertical” segment, focused on a particular sector of an industry, like online retail. Ignore broad service segments (horizontal), because nobody seeks out services. They want to solve their problems. Instead, I’ll try to convince you to focus on the problems of a specific industry (vertical). The goal is to spend the least amount of time winning work, and more time billing.

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5 Amazing Retail Packaging Tips That You Cannot Ignore

5 Amazing Retail Packaging Tips That You Cannot Ignore

Any retail expert can tell you how important an excellent product packaging design is for your business. A good product is indeed important for business, but if you do not have any unique and innovative retail packaging design, people will fail to notice your products. In this article we discuss 5 Amazing Retail Packaging Tips That You Cannot Ignore.

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Design Entrepreneurship: 3 Keys to Starting a Graphic Design Business

Design Entrepreneurship: 3 Keys to Starting a Graphic Design Business

Are you tired of working at the same company without having the opportunity to really make a big leap in your career? If yes, you are probably thinking about starting your own graphic design business because it’s the only natural way to move on. But this process is not so simple. Read on to find out more about starting your own graphic design business.

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How To Start An SEO Marketing BusinessHow To Start An SEO Marketing Business

How To Start An SEO Marketing Business

Starting an SEO business is not a walk in the park. It takes commitment and hard work. However, if you are sick and tired of a nine to five job and you want to try your hand at being your own boss, doing something you actually like without paid holidays (or holidays for that matter), and reaping all the rewards in the end, then an SEO marketing business could be the thing for you.

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