A brand is commonly defined as a distinct design, sign, symbol, words, or a combination of these, used to create an image that distinguishes a product or business from its competitors. In this article we discuss Brand Identity Questions: The Importance of Being Unique.
Tag: Brand
Benefits of Having a Brand Board & Guidelines
Nike, Coca-Cola, Apple, and McDonald’s. What do these companies have in common? In this article, we discuss the Benefits of Having a Brand Board & Guidelines
5 Ways to Build an Effective Brand Marketing Strategy
I bet you’ve got some staples in terms of products and services, that you love to use. Correct? And then, I bet you’ve got more than a couple alternatives for those staples, just in case. In this article we share 5 Ways to Build an Effective Brand Marketing Strategy.
Latest Business Strategies to Promote Your Business Brand in 2020
2020 is here, and of course, it will not be so different than last year for business owners until they try different strategies to promote their business brand. In this article we discuss the Latest Business Strategies to Promote Your Business Brand in 2020
Brand Design: How To Stand Out In An Oversaturated Market
In the modern business world, just having any brand is not enough because the competition level is extremely high. There are thousands of organizations that can probably do whatever you’re doing. What has the potential to make you stand out is the way you design your brand. In this article we discuss Brand Design: How To Stand Out In An Oversaturated Market.
Logo lmpact Within Brand Recognition and Popularity in the 21st Century
Do you still think that your business doesn’t need a logo? This article was made to prove you wrong and give you some useful information about creating one. But most importantly What is the Logo lmpact Within Brand Recognition and Popularity in the 21st Century?
How To Identify Your Brand Attributes
What’s the best way to grow your business and leave a lasting impression on your target market? A clearly defined brand personality is the key! It’s the best way to communicate your brand’s unique attributes and create an image for long term success. Lets get into How To Identify Your Brand Attributes.
Brand Design & Development – A Theoretical Practical Process
Every process of development that leads to a brand should be considered. Knowing the brand socially, for example, helps with understanding its personality, likes and dislikes. Every detail, no matter how small, can help with development. No one builds a brand, we define them. Join us in this article as we discuss Brand Design & Development – A Theoretical Practical Process
Characteristics of Every Successful Startup
As an entrepreneur, I have seen several failures and successes. I have been part of startups, I have worked for startups that have succeeded and failed as well. I have also committed mistakes and learned several things that helped me to be successful. In this article we discuss Characteristics of Every Successful Startup.
Why Having A Website Is Important For Your Business Branding
Your brand is the reflection of the character of your company. A strong brand creates recognition in the minds of potential customers such that when they see your name or logo even in the most awkward of settings, they still are able to identify your business. One of the most effective ways to help your company build a strong brand is through a website. Join us in this article as we discuss Why Having A Website Is Important For Your Business Branding