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Colour Systems In Branding and Graphic Design

Colour probably doesn’t rank as the most important factor to a client when they are considering their branding.

We are all subconsciously connected to different colours. Red is warm and is an indicator of danger. Blue is cold. Green indicates peace and nature. We’re tuned into it, and it is something that has evolved with us as human beings. We use our perception of colour in our everyday lives from the moment we wake until when we go to bed.

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Colour Theory, Meanings and Associated Words

Colour Theory, Meanings, Associated Words

Due to a popular tweet of mime The Logo Creative is going to look at Colour Theory, Meanings, Associated Words and we will also dive in and and learn about basic colour theory. Below is the tweet i sent out back in January and it one of my most popular tweets gaining quite a few likes and re-tweets so i thought i would make an article about Colour Theory, Meanings, Associated Words. The video at the end of the article is also really good its simple but very informative.

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