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Letter Builder – Drawing Consistent Letter-Forms

Letter Builder – Drawing Consistent Letter-Forms

Are you a graphic designer wanting to learn how to create consistent letterforms? Do you struggle to maintain size, width, thickness and style throughout your hand-drawn custom type? If this sounds like you or your wanting to sharpen your letterform typography then we have found the perfect product for you that will help you learn and become a better designer in drawing consistent letter forms.

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6 Secrets To Getting Along With Your Print Supplier

6 Secrets To Getting Along With Your Print Supplier

Whether you’re designing a logo, a poster, or any piece of branding or marketing collateral, your work will eventually end up somewhere. That means your work will be going to print, which means sometimes, you’re going to need to work with a print supplier.

You won’t always have to deal directly with these firms yourself – this is often not the case if you work as part of an agency, with account managers acting as the go-between. But whether you’re a freelancer or part of a larger organisation if you’re responsible for this task, then building a positive working relationship will be important. Read on as we go through 6 Secrets To Getting Along With Your Print Supplier.

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Know Your Onions - Graphic Design By Drew de Soto

Know Your Onions: Graphic Design By Drew de Soto

Know Your Onions by Drew de Soto is a very enlightening book offering a different view of the things you encounter every day as a designer.

Drew De Soto who is a print-focused designer has been a graphic designer for over 25 years, this book is a guide for working in the Graphic Design industry and first published by BIS Publishers in 2012.

As he says in his Introduction: “After a 25-year career in graphic design, I’ve picked up a few things and turned them into ‘custom settings’. Read this book and save yourself 25 years.”

Drew was kind enough to send us a copy of the book to review and we were looking forward to tucking into this one, Again I would like to thank Drew for sending us the book and answering our questions as part of this review. Let dive in and take a look at Know Your Onions: Graphic Design By Drew de Soto.

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Business Card Design: Growing Your Business With A Line Of Credit

Business Card Design: Growing Your Business With A Line Of Credit

Pulling out a business card during a meeting shows professionalism and eagerness in creating further business relationships with a colleague. A business card serves as a valuable asset for an organization/ company and for every person practicing in their field of expertise. If you are seeking to promote yourself and your line of business, continuous giving of business cards should be done in an effective manner. To serve this purpose a lot of printing agencies help you deal with your work.

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