In this article The Logo Creative spolights a design project – Generator: The Random Graphic Design Challenge
Tag: graphic design
Blend Packaging Design by Siegenthaler &Cob
In this article The Logo Creative looks at some really nice branding and packaging design i stumbled across – Blend Packaging Design by Siegenthaler &Cob We tweeted about this earlier this month and it got some good likes and re-tweets so it’s definitely worth its own featured post for design inspiration and a job well done and the fact that i personally as McDonald’s would say “Im Lovin it!”
Brand Mix Illustrations By Mike Stefanini at Atomike Studio
In this article and Designer Spotlight The Logo Creative takes a look at Brand Mix Illustrations By Mike Stefanini at Atomike Studio who is a french illustrator and Graphic Designer and with his project Atomike Studio he has uniquely designed a bunch of illustrations that question consumer habits Logos are indeed drawn on products which are totally different from the real one. A Coca-Cola can therefore sees its paint ornamented with a Nike logo, a toothpaste tube is decorated with an Adidas sign, and samewith Pepsi, Heinz, Starbucks and McDonald’s. An original way to convey the therapeutic aspect of Netflix or the addictive one of some fast-food restaurants?
How To Price Logo Design Services
We all ask the question of How To Price Logo Design Services and to be honest there is no right or wrong answer, some charge by the hour others have flat rate packages and others work with the clients budget and at the end of the day its all about the value it provides that client but you need to make sure your not undervaluing yourself and your getting paid what your worth.
Color Lisa Color Palette Masterpieces From The World’s Greatest Artists
In this article we take a look at Color Lisa Color Palette Masterpieces From The World’s Greatest Artists
I love seeing great colour palettes and swatch libraries around the web, I use a few different colour palette websites such as…