Designing a perfect logo takes an investment of time, effort, and careful consideration, but this process is not a one-and-done kind of deal. Maintaining currency and relevance as a business develops and evolves can be tricky without revisiting existing branding. A good logo design must be able to adapt in order to ensure a business can keep its best face forward as all manner of change inevitably takes place.
Tag: Logo
Designer Interview With Stefan Sagmeister
Today a Designer Interview With Stefan Sagmeister who is a designer and art director from Austria. He is currently residing and working in New York City where he co-founded a design firm called Sagmeister & Walsh Inc. with Jessica Walsh. He has produced work such as branding, graphics, and packaging for clients as diverse as for The Rolling Stones, The Talking Heads, Lou Reed, David Byrne, Jay Z, Aerosmith, Time Warner and The Guggenheim Museum, among many others.
How To Present Logo Design and Identity Projects to Clients
It’s time to show your work, and today we’re going to learn how to present logos and identity projects. Ben Burns from the futur teaches us How To Present Logo Design and Identity Projects to Clients.
Designing a Better Logo Design
In this article we discuss Designing a Better Logo Design
Have a browse around the internet, you may be left with the impression that designing a logo is easy; most logos look very simplistic and you may be under the impression that not alot of work goes into them. Actually, there’s more to crafting a brand’s visual identity than just placing a name in a box or next to some clip art and calling it a day.
Trademarks & Symbols of the World – Yasaburo Kuwayama
If you think about the most icon logo books in history, you will probably think about that red or pink ‘Trademarks’ book from ‘that Japanese guy’ which name you never seem to remember. That ‘Japanese guy’ is called Yasaburo Kuwayama and he made quite some books on logos. His books are so famous that when you Google his name, you won’t even find a picture or information of the man. His books seem to have become the representation of himself.
Designer Interview With Von Glitschka
Today’s designer interview is with Von Glitschka,
Von is principal of Glitschka Studios a small boutique design firm located in the Pacific Northwest. His diverse range of illustrative design has been used by some of the most respected brands in the world. He creatively collaborates with ad agencies, design firms, in-house corporate art departments, and small businesses to produce compelling visual narratives. He is also the author of the book Vector Basic Training (Second Edition) which is a very good book i recommend owning.
Designer Interview With Melinda Livsey
Today a Designer Interview With Melinda Livsey
As the founder and creative director of Marks & Maker, Melinda unites nine years of professional design experience with a penchant for thoughtful customer service.
Melinda’s experience with notable names like Oakley, Paramount Pictures and Loot Crate, coupled with her passion for creative thinkers and entrepreneurs, creates the perfect cocktail of impeccable workmanship, exceptional brands and happy clientele.
Let Me Write You a New Logo
Before we go any further, let’s get one thing straight, I AM NOT A GRAPHIC DESIGNER.
Now we’ve shone a spotlight on the elephant in the room, he can go and eat sugar cane and relax.
“So”, you may ask, “what the holy-heck is a non-graphic designer doing writing a post for The Logo Creative?”.
Beyond the shameless quest for publicity, I thought it might be refreshing to offer a slightly different perspective on the world of branding.
Logo Design with Grids: Timeless Style from Simple Shapes
What makes a logo design feel “perfect”? How do you fine-tune simple shapes to achieve visual stopping power? Learn how to design a modern, minimalistic logo from start to finish, and then add that extra punch of perfection to make it stand the test of time.
In this 30-minute class, graphic designer George Bokhua walks us through his process of incorporating grids and geometric shapes into logos so that you can unlock that feeling of timelessness in your own marks.
Logo International 1 by David E. Carter
In this Logo Book Review, we take a look at a rare and beautiful book called Logo International 1 by David E. Carter
David E. Carter is a man who made and produced more than 100 books on logos and graphic design. His first book, Book of American TradeMarks Vol. 1, was published in 1972. His last one, The Big Book of Design Ideas 3, in 2008. The work of this man is thus a must to add in the logo book review section. Logo International 1 (1984) is a beautiful book, but it won’t bring as much joy as you would expect it to do to everyone.