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The Importance of Making a Website Mobile-Friendly

The Importance of Making a Website Mobile-Friendly

In our current age, most of our time spent browsing the internet is done from behind the screens of our mobile devices. There was a time, not particularly long ago, when most web pages were not accessible on mobile devices. No more are these days, and rather, most web pages are designed entirely around mobile device optimization. In this article we discuss The Importance of Making a Website Mobile-Friendly.

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10 Essential Rules for Online Branding to Increase Ranking

10 Essential Rules for Online Branding to Increase Ranking

Let me start with a brief definition of what branding is. According to the American Marketing Association, a brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. Think about water – we all consume it, but we all have our preferences. Have you ever asked yourself why you prefer Nestle instead of Dasani? Branding is finding an answer to the question, “why is my product better than yours?”

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Why Your Brand Fails with its SEO Strategies and How to Fix Them

Why Your Brand Fails with its SEO Strategies and How to Fix Them

Search engine optimization is the best way to get organic traffic to your website. Many companies invest a huge amount in their SEO strategies and campaigns to increase their sales and popularity. SEO is a consistent method to get better ranking on search engines. To develop an effective SEO strategy, you need to know about the SEO world completely. Right from basics, tactics, types, and methods to the new trends in the market, you need to have deep knowledge about the field to succeed. But, companies often ignore this criterion and appoint inept staff to manage their SEO campaigns that can lead to a disaster.

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How To Get Desired SEO Value For Your Existing Website Content

How To Get Desired SEO Value For Your Existing Website Content

Today, there is a flood of bloggers and website owners in the market. People who are passionate about writing often end up starting a blog of their own where they can share their true feelings with individuals. Along with writing and posting blogs, they also are conscious to publicize their blogs over the web. A similar situation is with all the webmasters who are running a business and want to make it famous across the market through the web. Read on to find out How To Get Desired SEO Value For Your Existing Website Content.

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