Graphic design skills has never been more important for a web designer in the history of web design. In this article we discuss 6 Graphic Design Skills a Web Designer Must Know Today.
Tag: web design
It’s all About Flat Design These Days
The combination of bright colours and awesome typography has paved the way for unique flat interfaces. Minimalism is a big part of this design idea and trend, and you can see how popular these trends have become in recent years. In today’s design world It’s all About Flat Design These Days.
Take Your Business to Newer Heights by Shifting It Online
The only way your company can outshine its competition is via opting for a marketing campaign with guaranteed success, the first step to which in the modern world is to set up a website that attracts for you customers from around the globe. In this article, we explain how to Take Your Business to Newer Heights by Shifting It Online.
Tips To Create Emotionally Satisfying UX Designs
What does it mean to create a design that satisfies a person on an emotional level? That is a pretty loaded question, yet fair enough for those that are aiming to improve on the quality of their project outputs. Some would say it is the aesthetic factor that reels people in. Others would counter that by saying the emotional effect is due more to the way the website works. The truth would be a mixture of both. Read on to find out some Tips To Create Emotionally Satisfying UX Designs.
Basic Principles For Improving Web Design
From the look of things now, it is evident that any website that isn’t providing users with the required aesthetic design feature and engaging experience that they require to remain on point will be potentially forfeiting many site visitors and also lose out on other great benefits. No doubt, the days of viewing websites with a broken and deficient design have been long gone. Now, everyone (website owners and web developers) are working hard to meet up with the aesthetic requirements of both mobile users and search engines. Now, it’s all about developing web pages and apps with original designs, effective functionality, and quick navigation.
The Benefits of Using Storytelling in Your UX Design
From cave paintings to eBooks, storytelling has been part of the human experience for eons. It’s been so prevalent in our history that, at this point, storytelling is practically in our DNA. Whether we’re recounting our day or giving instructions, stories are there to move our ideas along; it’s how we communicate and convey thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
How to Make a Quality Portfolio To Makes Clients Want To Hire You
In this article, we discuss How to Make a Quality Portfolio To Makes Clients Want To Hire You
In a creative industry, a freelancer would need a professional portfolio. It allows one to showcase design expertise and offer them an opportunity to develop a unique brand. Physical portfolios are a must have in a design world, but online design portfolios provide a new avenue for reaching people outside the professional circle.